The Muslim Post

The Berlin Muslims reforming Islam, one co-ed prayer meeting at a time

The Berlin Muslims reforming Islam, one co-ed prayer meeting at a time

A female cleric. Men and women praying together in the same room. Berlin’s liberal mosques are working toward an Islamic reformation, all while avoiding death threats. By Sebastian Leber | Published on September 21, 2018 5:45 pm German security services were recently in touch with one of Berlin’s best-known Muslim clerics. He should take their warnings seriously, they […]

A Muslim Role Model for Today: Emir Abdelkader

A Muslim Role Model for Today: Emir Abdelkader

“The Emir represents the values and attributes that we want to inculcate in our American Muslim sons and daughters. We want his life to be celebrated in our mosques, in our Sunday schools and in our Friday sermons. We see in him a bridge of compassion and humanity connecting us with our brothers and sisters […]

Mike Jones: The misconceptions (lies) about Islam

By Mike Jones Associate Editor I’m dipping into the old mail bag (actually it’s the old email bag) this week to address some concerns of a reader. I don’t expect my answers to change anyone’s mind, but this reader brings up a subject that I see in other missives to me and on social media. […]

Are U.S. Muslims Patriotic? Why Don’t They Assimilate?

U.S. Puts $5 Million Bounty On Pakistani Taliban Leader

Does Islam need reform to peacefully integrate with America, or do we simply need a more honest public discourse on Islam? In 1948 in Dayton, Ohio, twenty American Muslim men and women huddled into a small conference room to hold the first national meeting of American Muslims—the Jalsa Salana . Modest in means, size, and […]

Why Don’t Muslims Speak Out Against Terrorism?

“Why don’t Muslims speak out against terrorism?” This is as much a statement as it is a question. It implies that Muslims do not denounce terrorism because they implicitly support it. This is a fallacy. Dr. John Andrew Morrow explains. Script Highlights: According to the “Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism”, there were 2,400 […]

Where are the Moderate Muslims? A Response to Hussein Aboubakr

After every new terrorist attack in the West, falsely committed in the name of Islam by heretics or mercenaries, some politician tries to profit from the tragedy by scapegoating all Muslims and demonizing an entire world religion. Dr. John Andrew Morrow presents the full facts on Islam and Muslims. Script Highlights: According to the Pew […]

The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad Made Public

By Charles Upton In early May of 2017, the Library of Congress in Washington DC released digital copies of the Covenants of the Prophet. The precious documents were among the 1,687 manuscripts that were microfilmed at the Eastern Orthodox Monastery of St. Catherine’s on Mount Sinai in 1949. Part of the LOC’s collection for over […]

Islam To Become Most Popular Religion

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and will overtake Christianity as the most popular before the end of this century, according to an analysis of religious surveys published Tuesday by the Pew Research Center. With 1.6 billion, Muslims made up 23 percent of the world’s population, according to a 2010 Pew estimate.