The Muslim Post

Exclusive: Alleged mastermind tells Obama 9/11 was America’s fault

Exclusive: Alleged mastermind tells Obama 9/11 was America’s fault

The alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 terror attacks wrote former President Barack Obama in a long suppressed letter that America brought the 9/11 attacks on itself for years of foreign policy that killed innocent people across the world. “It was not we who started the war against you in 9/11. It was you…

We were just kids on 9/11. And no one really explained it to us.

I think it happened as I was walking from science class to civics. My civics teacher — I think her name was Ms. Jones — had the TVs on and barely addressed her class of seventh graders. Was she on the phone? With the principal? I don’t know. And this is the thing — Americans […]

September 11th legacy : What tragedy teaches us about life

September 11th legacy: What tragedy teaches us about life

HONOLULU, September 11, 2016 – On this fifteenth anniversary of 9/11, consider this: On that morning, 2,974 people woke up, got out of bed, went about their business and did what they had always done so many times before, not realizing that was their last day.

How the fight against terrorism has transformed America since 9/11

How the fight against terrorism has transformed America since 9/11

Lawrence Wright is worried about what Americans have lost since 9/11. Wright, a New Yorker staff writer and the author of a seminal work on the rise of al-Qaeda, “The Looming Tower,” is concerned that an entire generation has grown up in a US that’s very unlike the country he remembers.

White House to release earth-shattering 9/11 report

The White House is anticipated to soon release a 28-page secret section of the congressional inquiry into the 9/11 attacks which allegedly shows the Saudi government was involved, according to reports Sunday. The 28-page document which is kept in a secure room in the basement of the Capitol building talks about foreign support for some […]