The Muslim Post

Slavery in Libya: Life inside a container

Slavery in Libya: Life inside a container

In recent months, it’s been revealed that African migrants and refugees have been sold in open markets as slaves in Libya, and are held against their will in inhumane conditions in exchange for ransom money. The revelations have sent shock waves globally and sparked protests outside Libyan embassies across Africa and Europe. Libya is a […]

Forces loyal to Libya’s Khalifa Haftar burn 6,000 books

Forces loyal to Libya's Khalifa Haftar burn 6,000 books

Forces loyal to renegade Libyan general Khalifa Haftar have destroyed more than 6,000 books, including works on religion, politics, poetry and philosophy in a mass book-burning. According to a video posted on Facebook by Al Manara, a Libyan media platform, more than 6,000 books – including reported biographies of the Prophet Muhammad – were destroyed […]