The Muslim Post

God-Willing, A Girl


By Dr. John Andrew Morrow Inshā’ Allāh walid, “God-willing, it will be a boy,” said a woman to my pregnant wife. La or no, she replied, Inshā’ Allāh bint, “God-willing, it will be a girl.” Confused, the woman repeated herself once again. Inshā’ Allāh walid, she insisted, and my wife, retorted, on key, Inshā’ Allāh […]

15 times that women rose above this year

She persisted. So many wondered, “What next?” after the January Women’s March became one of the largest protests in U.S. history. Since then, women in the U.S. and around the globe have made great strides. Below is a list of 15 moments when women persisted in 2017. 1. The year kicked off with more than […]

Will outlawing ‘instant divorce’ advance justice for Muslim women in India?

Will outlawing ‘instant divorce’ advance justice for Muslim women in India?

The Supreme Court of India recently struck down a specific divorce practice among its minority Muslims. The age-old practice known as “triple talaq” allowed a Muslim man to dissolve his marriage by uttering the term divorce three times, all at once. As a scholar who has conducted research among Muslim communities in India, I have seen firsthand how […]